Wader Study Groups
The International Wader Study Group is an organisation of enthusiastic professionals and amateurs researching waders. It provides open access to its publications (Wader Study, Wader Study Group Bulletin and International Wader Studies). .
The Wash Wader Ringing Group operates with cannon nets and mist nets, around the shores of The Wash in both Norfolk and Lincolnshire.
The Scan Ringing Group catches waders using cannon and mist nets from September to February or March each year in Shropshire, Conway Bay and parts of Anglesey.
The Farlington Ringing Group operates Chichester Harbour as has a long-running study of Greenshank.
An international team of ringers and observers is involved in Project Jadrakan studying the Icelandic Black-tailed Godwit population through colour ringing.
The Devon & Cornwall Wader Ringing Group undertakes mist-netting and cannon-netting on the Exe Estuary and at other sites in the south-west.
The Humber Wader Ringing Group is active at sites around the Humber Estuary and is running a Redshank colour-ringing programme.
The Axe Estuary Ringing Group in Devon does some mist-netting for waders.
Wader Research Blogs
Wadertales blogs are written by Graham Appleton, to celebrate waders and wader research. Our work on the Swale gets mention in Godwits and godwiteers.
Conservation Organisations
The Elmley Conservation Trust owns and manages the Elmley Nature Reserve.
The Kent Wildlife Trust owns and manages the Oare Marshes Nature Reserve and the South Swale Local Nature Reserve.
The Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB) is the is the UK's largest nature conservation charity. Together with its partners, it helps to protect threatened birds and wildlife. Prior to handing over to the Elmley Conservation Trust in May 2013, it managed the Elmley Nature Reserve for 30 years.
Primarily through its volunteer surveys, the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) provides impartial evidence of changes in bird populations, to inform the public, opinion-formers and environmental policy-makers. Of particular relvence to waders is the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS). The BTO also co-ordinates bird ringing within the UK.
Wader Quest is a charity that aims to get more people directly involved in wader conservation through Community Wader Conservation projects, or indirectly as a Friend or Sponsor of Wader Quest.
Statutory Bodies
The aim of Natural England is to create a better natural environment that covers all of our urban, country and coastal landscapes, along with all of the animals, plants and other organisms that live with us.
The Environment Agency aims to protect and improve the environment, and to promote sustainable development. It plays a central role in delivering the environmental priorities of central government.