Swale Wader Group


The Swale Wader Group is an informal group of amateur birdwatchers and ringers (banders) who study the waders and other birdlife of the Swale in North Kent, UK.

The Group has operated ringing sites at a number of locations around the Swale since 1960 and has ringed over 26,000 birds in this time - mainly waders. Regular Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) surveys are carried out in the area to monitor populations of visiting estuarine birds the breeding populations of the local waders and birds of prey are assessed, too.

All the members of the Group are volunteers and the ringing is carried out as part of the national bird ringing scheme organised by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO).

The scientific aims and results of our efforts are explained on this website, together with some of the highlights of our work from the last 50 years.

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After discussion with landowners we have temporarily suspended ringing due to concerns about avian influenza.

Opportunities exist for ringers with all permit classes to take part in wader ringing throughout the autumn. Our season normally begins in mid-July and runs through to the end of the year. Anyone interested should contact us by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or through the contact form.

Ringing sessions

Sunday 1st September 2024

A small intrepid team of 5 went ringing at Harty pools in perfect conditions - warm, calm, moonless with foggy patches. We had 6 nets up in the east pool and ended up with 36 birds of 7 species:

  • 3 Grey Plover
  • 1 Knot
  • 15 Black-tailed Godwit
  • 2 Bar-tailed Godwit
  • 4 Whimbrel
  • 4 Curlew, plus 2 retraps
  • 5 Redshank
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Saturday 25th November 2023

At a session at Harty we managed to catch 40 birds.

  • 34 Knot, plus 1 retrap
  • 2 Bar-tailed Godwit
  • 1 Dunlin
  • 1 Redshank
  • 1 retrap Barn Owl

Saturday 11th November 2023

At a session at Harty we managed to catch 24 birds.

  • 2 Knot
  • 12 Dunlin, plus 2 retraps
  • 1 Black-tailed Godwit
  • 3 Bar-taied Godwit
  • 3 Redshank
  • 1 Brent Goose

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